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姓名:田正超   职称:副研究员

Email:tianzhengchao@mail.hzau.edu.cn;     tzc1987@gmail.com



田正超,副研究员,硕士生导师。2016年毕业于中国农业大学,获“土壤学”博士学位;2016年至2018年于美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学从事博士后研究工作。主要从事土壤水文过程监测与模拟,冻土水热特性测定与预测,耕地质量改良等研究工作。主持有国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、湖北省重点研发计划、永利304官方入口自主科技创新基金等科研项目多项。近年来,以第一/通讯作者在《Water Resources Research》、《Soil and Tillage Research》、《Journal of Hydrology》等国际学术杂志发表论文30余篇,现担任地球与空间科学研究预发布平台(Essoar)编辑,为Geoderma等十余个国际学术期刊审稿人。










1、 引智类全英文研究生课程建设项目,课程“Soil Physics”,建设经费4万元,2019-2020,主持;

2、 2021年“思政课程”和“课程思政”示范建设项目:《水文与水资源学》,建设经费1万元,主持;

3、 2021年校级公司产品条件建设项目:《土壤物理》课程思政示范课,2021.6-2023.6,建设经费0.4万元,主持;

4、 永利集团30442020年青年教师教学技能竞赛二等奖,2020年11月。

5、 全国高等农林院校课程思政联盟研讨会课程思政教学优秀案例,2022年12月。

6、 永利304官方入口第十五届青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖,2023年4月。



1、 永利304官方入口自主科技创新基金:耕作层容重变化对土壤物理特性的影响及其定量化研究,2019.1-2021.12,主持;

2、 国家自然科学基金青年项目:干湿交替过程中黏质土壤胀缩与水热传输的相互作用及机理,2020.1-2022.12,主持;

3、 国家重点研发计划项目:侵蚀退化农田生态生产功能重建机制和提升关键技术与示范, 2021.12-2024.11,项目骨干;

4、 永利304官方入口自主科技创新基金:施加玄武岩粉末的固碳效果及其对红壤理化性质和小麦生长的影响,2022.1-2023.12,主持;

5、 国家自然科学基金面上项目:热脉冲技术监测坡地壤中流的理论和方法,2023.1-2026.12,主持;

6、 湖北省重点研发计划项目:湖北省坡耕地减障提质技术模式构建与应用(青年科学家项目),2023.4-2025.12,主持;

7、 湖北省水利重点科研项目:鄂西南喀斯特地区长堰小流域水土流失特征研究,2021.01-2022.12,参与;

8、 湖北省水利重点科研项目:湖北省土壤可蚀性因子本地化研究,2022.01-2022.12,参与;

9、 湖北省乡村振兴研究院重大调研课题:湖北省耕地质量保护与提升对策研究,2021.05-2021.10,参与;

10、 水利厅科研项目,湖北省水土保持监测点径流小区土壤类型鉴定及理化性质研究,2020.05-2020.11,参与;

11、 水利厅科研项目,8个重点监测点径流小区土壤理化性质分析(土壤速效养分研究),2021.05-2021.11,参与;

12、 水利厅科研项目,径流小区径流泥沙监测仪设备测试,2020.11-2021.10,参与;

13、 水利厅科研项目,自动化监测设备与人工观测对比研究,2023.03-2021.11,参与;

14、 水利厅科研项目,湖北省水土流失预测预报模型参数率定,2020.08-2020.11,参与;

15、 水利厅科研项目,湖北省水土保持监测站点管理规程编制,2020.05-2020.11,参与;

16、 水利厅科研项目,三峡库区典型小流域观测数据分析,2023.04-2023.12,参与。



1. Zhang, M., Tian, Z.*, Zhu, Q. and Chen, J., 2023. In-situ assessment of soil shrinkage and swelling behavior and hydro-thermal regimes with a thermo-time domain reflectometry technique. Soil and Tillage Research, 227, 105617.

2. Tian, Z.*, Wang, L. and Ren, T.*, 2023. Measuring soil freezing characteristic curve with thermo‐time domain reflectometry. European Journal of Soil Science, 74(1), e13335.

3. Qin, L., L. Lin, S. Ding, C. Yi., J. Chen, Z. Tian*, 2022. Evaluation of pedotransfer functions for predicting particle density of soils with low organic matter contents. Geoderma, 416, 115812.

4. 张谋辉, 田正超*, 2022. 基于热脉冲方法的南方红壤蒸发原位监测. 农业工程学报, 38(5).

5. Tian, Z.*, Chen, J., Cai, C., W. Gao, T. Ren, J.L. Heitman, R. Horton. 2021. New pedotransfer functions for soil water retention curves that better account for bulk density effects. Soil and Tillage Research, 205, 104812.

6. Tian, Z., Kojima, Y., Heitman, J.L., Horton, R. and Ren, T.*, 2020. Advances in thermo‐time domain reflectometry technique: Measuring ice content in partially frozen soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 84(5), 1519-1526.

7. Tian, Z., D. Kool, T. Ren, R. Horton, J.L. Heitman*. 2020. Estimating soil bulk density with combined commercial soil water content and thermal property sensors. Soil and Tillage Research, 196, 104445.

8. Tian, Z.*, Ren, T., Heitman, J.L. and Horton, R., 2020. Estimating thermal conductivity of frozen soils from air‐filled porosity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 84(5), 1650-1657.

9. Tian, Z., D. Kool, T. Ren, R. Horton, J.L. Heitman*. 2019. Approaches for estimating unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivities at various bulk densities with the extended Mualem-van Genuchten model. J. Hydrol., 572:719-731.

10. Tian, Z., Y. Kojima, J.L. Heitman, R. Horton, T. Ren. 2019. Advances in Thermo-Time Domain Reflectometry Technique: Measuring Ice Content in Partially Frozen Soils. Methods of Soil Analysis, 4(1).

11. Tian, Z., W. Gao, D. Kool, T. Ren, R. Horton, and J. Heitman. 2018. Approaches for estimating soil water retention curves at various bulk densities with the extended van Genuchten model. Water Resources Research. 54.

12. Tian, Z., D. Kool, T. Ren, R. Horton, and J. Heitman. 2018. Determining in-situ unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity at a fine depth scale with heat pulse and water potential sensors. Journal of Hydrology. 564, 802–810.

13. Tian, Z., Y. Lu, T. Ren, R. Horton, and J.L. Heitman. 2018. Improved thermo-time domain reflectometry method for continuous in-situ determination of soil bulk density. Soil and Tillage Research. 178, 118–29.

14. Tian, Z., T. Ren, Y. Kojima, Y. Lu, R. Horton, and J.L. Heitman. 2017. An improved thermo-time domain reflectometry method for determination of ice contents in partially frozen soils. Journal of Hydrology. 555, 786–796.

15. Tian, Z., Y. Lu, R. Horton, and T. Ren. 2016. A simplified de Vries–based model to estimate thermal conductivity of unfrozen and frozen soil. European Journal of Soil Science. 67(5), 564–572.

16. Tian, Z., Z. Li, G. Liu, B. Li, and T. Ren. 2016. Soil water content determination with cosmic-ray neutron sensor: Correcting aboveground hydrogen effects with thermal/fast neutron ratio. Journal of Hydrology.540, 923–933.

17. Tian, Z., J.L. Heitman, R. Horton, and T. Ren. 2015. Determining soil ice contents during freezing and thawing with thermo-time domain reflectometry. Vadose Zone Journal. 14(8).

18. Gao, Y., Zhu, Y., Chen, J., Yang, X., Huang, Y., Song, F., He, Y., Tian, Z., Lin, L., Cai, C. and Chen, J., 2024. Temporal and spatial distribution and development of permanent gully in cropland in the rolling hill region (phaeozems area) of northeast China. Catena, 235, p.107625.

19. Zou, Z., Tao, Y., Gao, Y., Liu, Z., Li, W., Tian, Z., Lin, L., He, Y. and Chen, J., 2023. Soil moisture dynamics near a gully head in relation to the trigger of collapse in granite red soil slope in southern China. Geomorphology, 420, 108493.

20. Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Tian, Z., Lu, Y., Ren, T. and Peng, X., 2022. Determination of soil bulk density dynamic in a Vertisol during wetting and drying cycles using combined soil water content and thermal property sensors. Geoderma, 428, 116149.

21. Gao, Y., Liu, C., Zou, Z., Liu, Z., Yang, X., Tian, Z., He, Y., Lin, L. and Chen, J., 2022. Effects of sediment yield fluctuations on the niche-like ephemeral gully formation in granite red soil. CATENA, 219, 106624.

22. Huang, X., Lin, L., Ding, S., Tian, Z., Zhu, X., Wu, K. and Zhao, Y., 2022. Characteristics of soil erodibility K value and its influencing factors in the changyan watershed, southwest hubei, China. Land, 11(1), 134.

23. Wang, L., Wang, H., Tian, Z., Lu, Y., Gao, W. and Ren, T., 2020. Structural changes of compacted soil layers in northeast China due to freezing-thawing processes. Sustainability, 12(4), 1587.

24. Fu, Y., Tian, Z., Amoozegar, A., Heitman, J. 2019. Measuring dynamic changes of soil porosity during compaction. Soil and Tillage Research. 193, 114-121.

25. Kool, D., Tong, B., Tian, Z., Heitman, J., Sauer, T.J., Horton, R. 2019. Soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity dynamics following tillage. Soil and Tillage Research. 193, 95-100.

26. Gao, W., W.R. Whalley, Z. Tian, J. Liu, and T. Ren. 2016. A simple model to predict soil penetrometer resistance as a function of density, drying and depth in the field. Soil and Tillage Research. 155, 190–198.

27. Zhang, B., Y. Li, T. Ren, Z. Tian, G. Wang, X. He, and C. Tian. 2014. Short-term effect of tillage and crop rotation on microbial community structure and enzyme activities of a clay loam soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils.50(7), 1077–1085.


1. 田正超; 任图生; 陈家宙; 一种原位监测土壤非饱和导水率的装置. ZL202023024738.1. 实用新型专利. 2021-9. 中国.

2. 田正超; 张谋辉; 陈家宙; 一种原位监测土壤胀缩动态的传感器. ZL 202223213178.3. 实用新型专利. 2023-5. 中国.

3. 基于Excel平台的比重计法土壤机械组成及质地类型计算软件. 2023R11L0617402. 软件著作权.



