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姓名: 周云                    职称:教授  


Email:yzhou112@mail.hzau.edu.cn; zhouyun06@126.com



2007.09-2011.06   重庆工商大学工学学士环境工程专业

2012.09-2018.03   同济大学工学博士环境工程专业

2015.10-2017.10   美国亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University) Swette环境生物技术中心联培博士

2018.07-2020.07   加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)土木与环境系博士后研究员

2020年8月以教授引入永利集团3044环境科学与工程系任教。研究领域为污水生物处理与资源化,主要研究污水中的碳、营养元素及其他污染物在膜-生物膜反应器系统中的迁移转化机理、代谢途径及数学模型,开发了多种新型膜-生物膜反应系统从而进一步降低污水处理能耗和提高污染物去除效率;主持永利304官方入口高层次人才启动经费项目,参与多项中国及加拿大重大科研项目;近五年发表学术论文40余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表 SCI论文25篇(一区12篇),论文总引用数440余次, 引用H因子16;申请国家发明专利2项,已授权1项;获同济大学第十一届研究生“学术先锋”第一名、第十四届青年博士生杰出人才奖学金、第十一届奥加诺 (水质与水环境) 奖学金和第九届“挑战杯”老员工创业计划竞赛金奖等多项奖励; 担任Environmental Science & Technology, Water research 和Bioresource Technology等20余个国际学术期刊特邀审稿人。


1. 主持永利304官方入口高层次人才启动经费项目:新型三维动态生物膜-膜生物反应器的开发及其在污水处理中的应用(103-11042010013),2020.09-2025.09.

2. 参与国家科技支撑计划项目:养殖废弃物安全资源化利用技术研究及应用(2013BAD21B03),2014.01-2016.12.

3. 参与加拿大能源部重点项目:源分离黑灰水高效低能耗处理技术,2017.03-2022.12.

4. 参与加拿大国家自然科学基金项目:高氨氮污水的新型低能耗脱氮技术研究,2018.01-2022.12.



1. 一种提高重金属生物吸附剂产量的方法,发明人:张志强, 郝小旋, 戴晓晴, 王春辉, 亓万琦, 周云, 夏四清,专利授权号:ZL201310234516.8.

2. 一种同步实现污泥强化脱水和提高生物吸附剂产量的方法,发明人:张志强, 周云, 王攀, 秦潇, 饶丹丹, 夏四清,专利申请号:201510102421.X.


2018.03   同济大学优秀毕业生                                                 同济大学

2017.12   同济大学第十一届研究生“学术先锋”第一名            同济大学

2017.09   青年博士生杰出人才奖学金                                       上海同济高廷耀环保基金会

2017.07   奥加诺(水质与水环境)奖学金                                 中科院生态环境研究中心

2016.10   杨钦环境教育奖励金特等奖                                        同济大学

2015.10   国家公派研究生项目奖学金                                        国家留学基金委

2015.05   第十届全国研究生环境论坛二等奖                              同济大学

2014.11   2014年“创青春”全国老员工创业大赛金奖               共青团中央委员会

2014.09  “哈希”第九届全国环境友好科技竞赛二等奖              环境友好科技竞赛组委会

2014.06   第八届“挑战杯”上海市老员工创业大赛金奖            上海市委员会

2013.10   普莱克斯-同济环境奖学金二等奖                               同济大学

2011.06   优秀毕业生                                                               重庆工商大学

2010.03   国家奖学金                                                               教育部

2009.09   全国数学建模大赛二等奖                                           教育部高等教育司


1. Yun Zhou, Ran Li, Bing Guo, Lei Zhang, Xin Zou, Siqing Xia, Yang Liu*. Greywater treatment using an oxygen-based membrane biofilm reactor: Formation of dynamic multifunctional biofilm for organics and nitrogen removal. Chemical Engineering Journal (2020) 386: 123989. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 10.652)

2. Yun Zhou, Zhiqiang Zhang, Lei Zhang, Shengnan Xu, Bing Guo, Yang Liu, Siqing Xia*. Corrigendum to “Promoting waste activated sludge reduction by linear alkylbenzene sulfonates: Surfactant dose control extracellular polymeric substances solubilization and microbial community succession” [J. Hazard. Mater. 374 (2019) 74–82]. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2020) 393:122421. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 9.038)

3. Yun Zhou1, Ran Li1, Bing Guo, Lei Zhang, Huixin Zhang, Siqing Xia, Yang Liu*. Three-dimension oxygen gradient induced low energy input for greywater treatment in an oxygen-based membrane biofilm reactor. Environmental Research (2020) 191: 110124. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 5.715)

4. Yun Zhou, Bing Guo, Ran Li, Lei Zhang, Siqing Xia, Yang Liu*. Treatment of grey water (GW) with high linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) content and carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio in an oxygen-based membrane biofilm reactor (O2-MBfR). Chemosphere (2020)258:127363. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 5.778)

5. Yun Zhou1, Bing Guo1, Lei Zhang, Xin Zou, Sen Yang, Huixin Zhang, Siqing Xia, Yang Liu*. Anaerobically digested blackwater treatment by simultaneous denitrification and anammox processes: Feeding loading affects reactor performance and microbial community succession. Chemosphere (2020) 241: 125101. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 5.778)

6. Yun Zhou, Zhiqiang Zhang, Lei Zhang, Shengnan Xu, Bing Guo, Yang Liu, Siqing Xia*. Promoting waste activated sludge reduction by linear alkylbenzene sulfonates: surfactant dose control extracellular polymeric substances solubilization and microbial community succession. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2019) 374: 74-82. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 9.038)

7. Yun Zhou, YenJung Sean Lai*, Everett Eustance, and Bruce E. Rittmann. Promoting Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Harvesting by Cationic Surfactants: Alkyl-Chain Length and Dose Control for the Release of Extracellular Polymeric Substances and Biomass Aggregation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2019) 7:2127-2133. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 7.632)

8. Yun Zhou, Shengnan Xu, Lei Zhang, Yang Liu, and Siqing Xia*. Cocoamidopropyl Betaine Dosage Dependence of Short-Time Aerobic Digestion for Waste-Activated Sludge Reduction. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2019)7:877-884. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 7.632)

9. Yun Zhou, Andrew K. Marcus, Levi Straka, Everett Eustance, YenJung Sean Lai, Siqing Xia*, Bruce E. Rittmann*. Uptake of phosphate by Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in dark conditions: Removal driving force and modeling. Chemosphere (2019) 218: 147-156. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 5.778)

10. Yun Zhou, YenJung Sean Lai, Everett Eustance, Siqing Xia*, Bruce E. Rittmann*. Phosphate depletion controls lipid content and accumulation of heterotrophic bacteria during growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2019) 103: 5007-5014. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 3.53)

11. Yun Zhou, Jiao Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, PanWang, Siqing Xia*. pH dependent of the waste activated sludge reduction by short-time aerobic digestion (STAD) process. Science of the Total Environment (2018) 649: 1307-1313. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 6.551)

12. Yun Zhou, Siqing Xia, Jiao Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang*. Simultaneously enhanced biopolymers production and sludge dewaterability of waste activated sludge by synergetic integration process of short-time aerobic digestion with cocoamidopropyl betaine and calcium oxide. Chemosphere (2018) 213: 541-550. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 5.778)

13. Yun Zhou, Everett Eustance, Levi Straka, YenJung Sean Lai, Siqing Xia*, Bruce E. Rittmann*. Quantification of heterotrophic bacteria during the growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 using fluorescence activated cell sorting and microscopy. Algal Research (2018)30: 94-100. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 3.723)

14. YenJung Sean Lai1, Yun Zhou1,*, Everett Eustance, Levi Straka, Zhaocheng Wang, Bruce E. Rittmann. Cell disruption by cationic surfactants affects bioproduct recovery from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Algal Research (2018)30: 94-100. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 3.723)

15. Yun Zhou, YenJung Sean Lai, Everett Eustance, Levi Straka, Chen Zhou, Siqing Xia*, Bruce E. Rittmann*. How myristyltrimethylammonium bromide enhances biomass harvesting and pigments extraction from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Water Research (2017) 126: 189-196. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 9.13)

16. Yun Zhou, Binh T. Nguyen, Chen Zhou, Levi Straka, YenJung Sean Lai, Siqing Xia*, Bruce E. Rittmann*. The distribution of phosphorus and its transformations during batch growth of Synechocystis. Water Research (2017)122: 355-362. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 9.13)

17. Yun Zhou, Jiao Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Chen Zhou, YenJung Sean Lai, Siqing Xia*. Enhanced performance of short-time aerobic digestion for waste activated sludge under the presence of cocoamidopropyl betaine. Chemical Engineering Journal (2017) 320: 494-500. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 10.652)

18. Yun Zhou, Siqing Xia, Jiao Zhang, Binh T. Nguyen, Zhiqiang Zhang*. Insight into the influences of pH value on Pb(II) removal by the biopolymer extracted from activated sludge. Chemical Engineering Journal (2017)308: 1098-1104. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 10.652)

19. Siqing Xia, Yun Zhou, Everett Eustance, Zhiqiang Zhang*. Enhancement mechanisms of short-time aerobic digestion for waste activated sludge in the presence of cocoamidopropyl betaine. Scientific Reports (2017) 7:13491. (2020 IF: 3.998) (导师第一,本人第二)

20. Yun Zhou, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Jiao Zhang, Siqing Xia*.  Understanding key constituents and feature of the biopolymer in activated sludge responsible for binding heavy metals. Chemical Engineering Journal (2016)304: 527-532. (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 10.652)

21. Zhiqiang Zhang, Yun Zhou*, Jiao Zhang, Siqing Xia*, Slawomir W. Hermanowicz. Effects of short-time aerobic digestion on extracellular polymeric substances and sludge features of waste activated sludge. Chemical Engineering Journal (2016)299: 177-183. (共同通讯) (SCI一区, 2020 IF: 10.652)

22. Yun Zhou*, Binh T. Nguyen, YenJung Sean Lai, Chen Zhou, Siqing Xia, Bruce E. Rittmann*. Using flow cytometry to evaluate thermal extraction of EPS from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Algal Research (2016)20: 276-281. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 3.723)

23. Yun Zhou, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Jiao Zhang, Siqing Xia*. New insight into adsorption characteristics and mechanisms of the biosorbent from waste activated sludge for heavy metals. Journal of Environmental Science (2016) 45: 248-256. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 4.302)

24. Yun Zhou, Siqing Xia, Binh T. Nguyen, Min Long, Jiao Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang*. Interactions between metal ions and the biopolymer in activated sludge: Quantification and effects of system pH value. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (2016)11:7. (SCI二区, 2020 IF: 4.053)

25. Yun Zhou, Siqing Xia, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Jiao Zhang, Slawomir W. Hermanowicz. Associated adsorption characteristics of Pb(II) and Zn(II) by a novel biosorbent extracted from waste-activated sludge. Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE (2016): 04016032. (2020 IF: 1.264)

26. Yun Zhou, Siqing Xia, Jiao Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang*. Adsorption characterizations of biosorbent extracted from waste activated sludge for Pb(II) and Zn(II). Desalination and Water Treatment (2015)57: 9343-9353. (2020 IF: 0.854)

27. Zhiqiang Zhang, Yun Zhou, Jiao Zhang, Siqing Xia*. Copper (II) adsorption by the extracellular polymeric substance extracted from waste activated sludge after short-time aerobic digestion. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2014) 21:2132–2140. (2020 IF: 3.056) (副导师一作,本人二作)

28. Jian Mao , Boyu Xia, Yun Zhou, Fan Bi, Xiaodong Zhang, Wei Zhang, Siqing Xia*. Effect of roof materials and weather patterns on the quality of harvested rainwater in Shanghai, China. Journal of Cleaner Production (2021)279: 123419.

29. Yingdi Zhang, Lei Zhang, Bing Guo, Yun Zhou, Mengjiao Gao, Ahmed Sharaf, Yang Liu*. Granular activated carbon stimulated microbial physiological changes for enhanced anaerobic digestion of municipal sewage. Chemical Engineering Journal (2020)400:125838.

30. Najiaowa Yu, Bing Guo, Yingdi Zhang, Lei Zhang, Yun Zhou, YangLiu*. Different micro-aeration rates facilitate production of different end-products from source-diverted blackwater. Water Research (2020) 177:115783.

31. Siqing Xia*, Chengyang Wu, Xiaoxiao Yang, Yun Zhou, Luman Zhou, Yajun Ran, Bruce E. Rittmann. Bioreduction of nitrate in high-sulfate water using a hydrogen-based membrane biofilm reactor equipped with a separate carbon dioxide module. Chemical Engineering Journal (2020)385:123831.

32. Bing Guo, Yingdi Zhang, Lei Zhang, Yun Zhou and Yang Liu*. RNA-based spatial community analysis revealed intra-reactor variation and expanded collection of direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) microorganisms in anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology (2020)298:122534.

33. Xin Zou, Yun Zhou, Bing Guo, Yanxi Shao, Sen Yang, Abdul Mohammed, Yang Liu*. Single reactor nitritation-denitritation for high strength digested biosolid thickening lagoon supernatant treatment. Biochemical Engineering Journal (2020)160:107630.

34. Sen Yang, Shengnan Xu, Yun Zhou, Abdul Mohammed, Nicholas J. Ashbolt, Yang Liu*. The importance of integrated fixed film activated sludge reactor and intermittent aeration in nitritation-anammox systems: Understanding reactor optimization for lagoon supernatant treatment. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2020) 149:104938.

35. Ang Li, Chen Zhou*, Zhuolin Liu, Xiaoyin Xu, Yun Zhou, Dandan Zhou, Youneng Tang*, Fang Ma, Bruce E. Rittmann. Direct solid-state evidence of H2-induced partial U(VI) reduction concomitant with adsorption by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2018) 115: 1685-1693.

36. Chen Zhou*, Yun Zhou, Bruce E. Rittmann. Reductive precipitation of sulfate and soluble Fe (III) by Desulfovibrio vulgaris: Electron donor regulates intracellular electron flow and nano-FeS crystallization. Water Research (2017)119:91-101.

37. YenJung Sean Lai*, Aura Ontiveros-Valencia, Zehra Esra Ilhan, Yun Zhou, et al. Enhancing biodegradation of C16-alkyl quaternary ammonium compounds using an oxygen-based membrane biofilm reactor. Water Research, (2017)123: 825-833.

38. YenJung Sean Lai*, Yun Zhou, Rebecca Martarella, Zhaocheng Wang, Bruce E Rittmann. Synergistic integration of C12 to C16 cationic surfactants for flocculation of and lipid extraction from Chlorella biomass. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2016) 5:752-757.

39. Siqing Xia*, Chenhui Wang, Xiaoyin Xu, You neng Tang, Zuowei Wang, Zaoli Gu, Yun Zhou. Bioreduction of nitrate in a hydrogen-based membrane biofilm reactor using CO2 for pH control and as carbon source. Chemical Engineering Journal (2015)276: 59-64.

40. Yun Zhou, Bing Guo, Lei Zhang, Sen Yang, Xin Zou, Huixin Zhang, Yang Liu*. Simultaneous denitrification and anammox processes for the treatment of anaerobic digested blackwater, 11th Western Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research (2019.5.10). (Oral presentation/Poster)

41. Lei Zhang, Bing Guo, Yun Zhou, Huixin Zhang, Qianyi Zhang, Yang Liu*. Effects of microaeration on anaerobic greywater treatment, 11th Western Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research (2019.5.10). (Poster)

42. Yenjung Sean Lai*, Yun Zhou, Everett Eustance, Bruce E. Rittmann. Integrating harvesting and product extraction from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 by controlling alkyl-chain length and dose of cationic surfactants, Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (ABBB 2019) (2019. 6.17-19). (Poster)

43. 周云, 刘英, 张志强*, 夏四清. 微生物絮凝剂制备的研究新进展, 环境污染与防治, 2014, 36(4):80-85, 91.

44. 周云, 周礼杰, 叶标, 夏四清*, 新型包埋污泥EPS吸附小球对含Cd2+废水吸附性能的研究.水处理技术, 2013, 39(6):20-23.

45. 冉雅郡, 周云,  杨潇潇, 夏四清*, MBfR处理水中氧化性污染物的研究进展. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(12):4484-4493.

46. 冉雅郡, 杨潇潇, 汪作炜, 吴成阳, 周云, 夏四清*. HRT对CO2-MBfR去除高SO2- 4废水中NO- 3-N的影响.中国环境科学, 2018, 38(09):3322-3327.

47. 谢裕威, 杨潇潇, 汪作炜, 吴成阳, 周云, 夏四清*. 氢自养还原菌去除实际工业废水中NO- 3-N可行性及影响因素研究.水处理技术, 2018, 44(06):23-27.

48. 张威, 杨恒, 周云, 夏四清*. 悬浮填料对A/O-MBR处理垃圾渗滤液性能的影响.2018中国环境科学学会科学技术年会论文集(第二卷). 2018.

49. 徐思雯, 吴成阳, 谢裕威, 周云, 夏四清*. 氢自氧还原菌同步去除水中Cr(VI)和NO3-的研究.中国环境科学, 2020,40(1):280-287.


