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姓名:史志华 职称:教授 电话:+86-27-87288249








2003-2008 永利集团3044副教授

2006-2008 中科院生态环境研究中心博士后

2003-2004 英国曼彻斯特大学访问学者

1997-2003 永利集团3044讲师


2000-2003 永利集团3044博士

1994-1997 永利304官方入口土壤与农业化学系硕士

1988-1992 永利304官方入口土壤与农业化学系本科




学术期刊通讯审稿主要刊物:Journal of HydrologyCatenaGeomorphologySoil and tillage ResearchJournal of Soil and SedimentsChemosphereGlobal and Planetary ChangeChinese Geographical ScienceInternational Journal of Geographical Information ScienceJournal of Hazardous MaterialsJournal of Integrative AgricultureJournal of Arid LandLand Degradation & DevelopmentNatural HazardsPLoS ONEQuaternary InternationalRegional Environmental ChangeSustainabilityVadose Zone JournalJournal of Hydrologic EngineeringClimatic ChangeScience of the Total EnvironmentProgress in Physical GeographyEarth Surface Processes and LandformsSoil Science Society of America Journal


1. 小流域景观单元氮素平衡对溪流水质影响及其格局优化(新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目)

2. 基于-理论的小流域侵蚀产沙模拟研究(国家自然科学基金)

3. Refinement and capacity building of green water management & credits toolkit for ChinaISRIC-World Soil Information

4. 南水北调中线丹江口水库库区生态环境综合整治技术与示范(国家科技支撑)

5. 西南紫色土区坡面土壤侵蚀的发生发展过程(973

6. 基于水土流失过程的侵蚀源沉积汇研究(教育部重点)

7. 丹江口水库水质安全保障技术研究(公益性行业(水利)科研专项)

8. 三峡库区土质道路水文特性及其对流域水沙过程影响(国家自然科学基金)

9. 降雨条件下红壤表土团聚体破坏与坡面侵蚀过程响应(国家自然科学基金)









43. Wu G.L.*, Yang Z., Cui Z., Liu Y., Fang N.F., Shi, Z.H.* Mixed artificial grasslands with more roots improved mine soil infiltration capacity. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 535: 54-60.

42. Fang, N.F., Chen, F.X., Zhang, H.Y., Wang, Y.X., Shi, Z.H.*, Effects of cultivation and reforestation on suspended sediment concentrations: a case study in a mountainous catchment in China, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016, 20: 13-25

41. Huang, X.D., Shi, Z.H.*, Fang, N.F., Li, X. Influences of Land Use Change on Baseflow in Mountainous Watersheds. Forests, 2016, 7, 16, DOI:10.3390/f7010016

40. Huang X., Shi Z.H.*, Zhu H.D., Zhang H.Y., Ai L., Yin W. 2016. Soil moisture dynamics within soil profiles and associated environmental controls. Catena, 136: 189-196.

39. Fang N.F., Shi Z.H.*, Chen F.X., Wang Y.X. 2015. Partial Least Squares Regression for Determining the Control Factors for Runoff and Suspended Sediment Yield during Rainfall Events. Water, 7: 3925-3942.

38. Fang N.F., Shi Z.H.*, Chen F.X., Zhang H.Y., Wang Y.X. 2015. Discharge and suspended sediment patterns in a small mountainous watershed with widely distributed rock fragments. Journal of Hydrology, 528: 238-248.

37. Wang L., Shi Z.H.* 2015. Size selectivity of eroded sediment associated with soil texture on steep slopes. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 79: 917-929.

36. Ai L., Shi Z.H.*, Yin W., Huang X. 2015. Spatial and seasonal patterns in stream water contamination across mountainous watersheds: linkage with landscape characteristics. Journal of Hydrology, 523: 398-408.

35. Zhang H.Y., Shi Z.H.*, Fang N.F., Guo M.H. 2015. Linking watershed geomorphic characteristics to sediment yield: Evidence from the Loess Plateau of China. Geomorphology, 234: 19-27.

34. Shi Z.H.*, Huang X.D., Ai L., Fang N.F., Wu G.L. 2014. Quantitative analysis of factors controlling sediment yield in mountainous watersheds. Geomorphology, 226: 193-201.

33. Wu G.L., Zhang Z.N., Wang D., Shi Z.H.*, Zhu Y.J. 2014. Interactions of soil water content heterogeneity and species diversity patterns in semi-arid steppes on the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Hydrology, 519: 1362-1367.

32. Yue B.J., Shi Z.H.*, Fang N.F. 2014. Evaluation of rainfall erosivity and its temporal variation in the Yanhe River Catchment of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Natural Hazards, 74: 585-602.

31. Zhu H.D., Shi Z.H.*, Fang N.F., Wu G.L., Guo Z.L., Zhang Y. 2014. Soil moisture response to environmental factors following precipitation events in a small catchment. Catena, 120: 73-80.

30. Wang L., Shi Z.H.*, Wang J., Fang N.F., Wu G.L., Zhang H.Y. 2014. Rainfall kinetic energy controlling erosion processes and sediment sorting on steep hillslopes: A case study of clay loam soil from the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology, 512: 168-176.

29. Liu Q.J., Shi Z.H.*, Yu X.X., Zhang H.Y. 2014. Influence of microtopography, ridge geometry and rainfall intensity on soil erosion induced by contouring failure. Soil and Tillage Research, 136, 1-8.

28. Wu T.N., Wu G.L., Wang D., Shi Z.H.* 2014. Soil-hydrological properties response to grazing exclusion in steppe grassland of the Loess Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71, 745-752.

27. Wang L., Shi Z.H.*, Wu G.L., Fang N.F. 2014. Freeze/thaw and soil moisture effects on wind erosion. Geomorphology, 207, 141-148.

26. Wu G.L., Zhao L.P., Wang D., Shi Z.H.* 2014. Effects of Time-Since-Fire on Vegetation Composition and Structures in Semi-Arid Perennial Grassland on the Loess Plateau, China. CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water, 42, 98-103.

25. Fang N.F., Shi Z.H.*, Yue B.J., Wang L. 2013. The characteristics of extreme erosion events in a small mountainous watershed. Plos One, 8(10): e76610. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076610.

24. Shi Z.H.*, Ai L., Li X., Huang X.D., Wu G.L., Liao W. 2013. Partial least-squares regression for linking land-cover patterns to soil erosion and sediment yield in watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 498: 165-176.

23. Yan B., Fang N.F., Zhang P.C., Shi Z.H.* 2013. Impacts of land use change on watershed streamflow and sediment yield: an assessment using hydrologic modelling and partial least squares regression. Journal of Hydrology, 484: 26-37.

22. Ai L., Fang N.F., Zhang B., Shi Z.H.* 2013. Broad area mapping of monthly soil erosion risk using fuzzy decision tree approach: integration of multi-source data within GIS. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27: 1251-1267.

21. Wu G.L., Du G.Z., Shi Z.H.* 2013. Germination strategies of 20 alpine species with varying seed mass and light availability. Australian Journal of Botany, 61: 404-411.

20. Liu Q.J., Shi Z.H.*, Fang N.F., Zhu H.D., Ai L. 2013. Modeling the daily suspended sediment concentration in a hyperconcentrated river on the Loess Plateau, China, using the Wavelet?ANN approach. Geomorphology, 186: 181-190.

19. Shi Z.H.*, Yue B.J., Wang L., Fang N.F., Wang D., Wu F.Z. 2013. Effects of mulch cover rate on interrill erosion processes and the size selectivity of eroded sediment on steep slopes. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 77: 257-267.

18. Wu G.L., Ren G.H., Wang D., Shi Z.H.*, Warrington D. 2013. Above- and below-ground response to soil water change in an alpine wetland ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology, 476: 120-127.

17. Zhao L.P., Wu G.L., Shi Z.H.* 2013. Post-fire species recruitment in a semiarid perennial steppe on the Loess Plateau. Australian Journal of Botany, 61: 29-35.

16. Song Y.T., Hao R., Shi Z.H.* 2013. Impacts of urban landscape functional types on urban greenspace. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal, 12: 1829-1832.

15. Wu G.L., Feng J., Shi Z.H.* 2013. Plant seedling performance traits impact on successful recruitment in various microhabitats for five alpine saussurea species. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 45: 61-71.

14. Shi Z.H.*, Fang N.F., Wu F.Z., Wang L., Yue B.J., Wu G.L. 2012. Soil erosion processes and sediment sorting associated with transport mechanisms on steep slopes. Journal of Hydrology, 454: 123-130.

13. Shi Z.H.*, Ai L., Fang N.F., Zhu H.D. 2012. Modeling the impacts of integrated small watershed management on soil erosion and sediment delivery: a case study in the Three Gorges Area, China. Journal of Hydrology, 438: 156-167.

12. Fang N.F., Shi Z.H.*, Li L., Guo Z.L., Liu Q.J., Ai L. 2012. The effects of rainfall regimes and land use changes on runoff and soil loss in a small mountainous watershed. Catena, 99: 1-8.

11. Shi Z.H.*, Li L., Yin W., Ai L., Fang N.F., Song Y.T. 2011. Use of multi-temporal Landsat images for analyzing forest transition in relation to socioeconomic factors and the environment. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 13: 468-476.

10. Fang N.F., Shi Z.H.*, Li L., Jiang C. 2011. Rainfall, runoff, and suspended sediment delivery relationships in a small agricultural watershed of the Three Gorges area, China. Geomorphology, 135: 158-166.

09. Wu G.L., Ren G.H., Shi Z.H.* 2011. Phytotoxic effects of a dominant weed Ligularia virgaurea on seed germination of Bromus inermis Lyess in an alpine meadow community. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 144: 275-280.

08. Shi Z.H.*, Yan F.L., Li L., Li Z.X., Cai C.F. 2010. Interrill erosion from disturbed and undisturbed samples in relation to topsoil aggregate stability in red soils from subtropical China. Catena, 81: 240-248.

07. Yan F.L., Shi Z.H.*, Li Z.X., Cai C.F. 2010. Wetting rate and clay content effects on interrill erosion in Ultisols of Southeastern China. Pedosphere, 20: 129-136.

06. Shi Z.H., Chen L.D.*, Fang N.F., Qin D.F., Cai C.F. 2009. Research on the SCS-CN initial abstraction ratio using rainfall-runoff event analysis in the Three Gorges Area, China. Catena, 77: 1-7.

05. Shi Z.H., Chen L.D.*, Cai C.F., Li Z.X., Liu G.H. 2009. Effects of long-term fertilization and mulch on soil fertility in contour hedgerow systems: A case study on steeplands from the Three Gorges Area, China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 84: 39-48.

04. Shi Z.H., Chen L.D.*, Hao J.P., Wang T.W., Cai C.F. 2009. The effects of land use change on environmental quality in the red soil hilly region, China: A case study in Xianning County. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 150: 295-306.

03. Li L., Shi Z.H., Yin W., Zhu D. 2009. A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) approach to eco-environmental vulnerability assessment for the Danjiangkou Reservoir Area, China. Ecological Modelling, 220: 3439-3447.

02. Yan F.L., Shi Z.H.*, Li Z.X., Cai C.F. 2008. Estimating interrill soil erosion from aggregate stability of Ultisols in subtropical China. Soil and Tillage Research, 100: 34-41.

01. Shi Z.H., Cai C.F., Ding S.W., Wang T.W., Chow T.L.* 2004. Soil conservation planning at the small watershed level using RUSLE with GIS: a case study in the Three Gorge Area of China. Catena, 55: 33-48.

