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姓名:孙燕   职称:教授




2021年9月以教授引入永利集团3044生态系任教。研究领域为演化生态学,主要以气候变化和生物入侵为核心,综合运用分子生态学与数量遗传学等理论与技术,结合物种分布模型、种群动态模型,系统研究入侵植物的影响机制、适应性演化进程及防治策略。主持/参与过8项瑞士、德国、欧盟的重大科研项目。相关成果在Global Change Biology、Nature Communications等发表SCI论文26篇(第一/通讯作者18篇),SCI累计引用2400余次。获得过两次瑞士国家奖学金、多次获得欧美相关学会国际会议奖学金、组织过3次国际学术会议、多次受邀在国际会议上作主旨报告。受邀担任Weed Research(中科院二区,IF 2.011)和Sustainability(中科院3区,IF 3.208)期刊编委;是Ecology Letters、Ecology、Journal of Ecology 等18个权威SCI期刊审稿人。


2002.09-2006.07 武汉大学,环境工程,学士

2006.09-2009.07 中国科学院大学, 生态学, 硕士

2009.09-2013.09 弗里堡大学(University of Fribourg), 瑞士, Ecology & Evolution, 博士

2013.10-2014.01 弗里堡大学(University of Fribourg), 瑞士, 博士后

2014.02-2015.07 加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),美国, 博士后

2015.08-2016.03 弗里堡大学(University of Fribourg), 瑞士, 博士后

2016.04-2017.09 图宾根大学(University of Tübingen), 德国,博士后

2017.10-2020.12 弗里堡大学(University of Fribourg), 瑞士, 博士后

2021.01-2021.08 弗里堡大学(University of Fribourg), 瑞士, Senior Researcher

2021.09-今 永利集团3044,教授


2021.09-2026.09 全球气候变化下的生物入侵与生态安全,永利304官方入口新进高层次人才科研启动经费项目, 主持

2016.09-2021.06 瑞士国家自然科学基金, Project funding in biology and medicine, 31003A_166448, Demographic history and recent selection in novel environments: an innovative approach to assess benefits and risks of a potential biological control agent,参与

2018.01-2018.12 瑞士诺华生物医学基金,medizinisch-biologische Forschung,#17B083,Insect-plant interactions under climate change: an evolutionary approach,主持

2017.01-2017.06 德国巴登符腾堡州立基金, Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Herbivores as drivers of demographic and evolutionary change in invasive alien plants under present and future climate, 参与

2016.04-2017.09 瑞士国家自然科学基金, P300PA_161014, Herbivores as drivers of demographic and evolutionary change in invasive alien plants under present and futu re climate conditions, 主持

2014.02-2015.07 瑞士国家自然科学基金, P2FRP3_148577, Herbivores as drivers of plant invaders’ demography and evolutionary change? 主持

2012.06-2016.11 欧洲科学技术合作基金,食品与农业,FA1203, Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe (SMARTER),参与

2013-2016 欧洲科学技术合作基金,四次Short Term Scientific mission,COST-STSM-FA1203-13474,COST-STSM-FA1203-27630,COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-FA1203-060416-073555,COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-FA1203-201016-081200,主持

2009.07-2013.09 瑞士国家自然科学基金,Project funding in biology and medicine, 31003A_125314,Polyploidy, herbivory and plant invasions,参与


1) Sun Y., Kaleibar B.P., Oveisi M.; Müller-Schärer H.*; Addressing climate change: what can plant invasive science and weed science learn from each other? Frontiers in Agronomy, 2021, 2: 626005.

2) Sun Y.*, Bossdorf O., Diaz Grados R., Liao Z.Y. and Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Rapid genomic and phenotypic change in response to climate warming in a widespread plant invader. Global Change Biology, 26,6511-6522. (Impact factor: 10.004, SCI一区)

3) Schaffner U., Steinbach S., Sun Y., Skjøth C., de Weger L.A., Lommen S.T., Augustinus B.A., Bonini M., Karrer G., Šikoparija B., Thibaudon M. and Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Biological control to relieve millions from Ambrosia allergies in Europe. Nature Communications, 11, 1745. (Impact factor: 13.629, SCI一区)

4) Augustinus B.#, Sun Y. #*, Beuchat C., Schaffner U. and Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Predicting impact of a biocontrol agent: integrating distribution modelling with climate-dependent vital rates. Ecological Applications: e02003. (equal contribution) (Impact factor: 5.119, SCI一区)

5) Sun Y.*, Ding J.Q., Siemann E. and Keller S.R. 2020. Biological control of invasive weeds under climate change: progress, challenges and management implications. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 38: 72-78. (Impact factor: 4.765, SCI一区)

6) Sun Y.*, Beuchat C., Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Is biocontrol efficacy rather driven by the plant or the antagonist genotypes? A conceptual bioassay approach. Neobiota63:81-100. (Impact factor: 2.75)

7) Augustinus B.A., Gentili R., Horvath D., Naderi R., Sun Y., Tournet A.M.T.E., Schaffner U. and Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Assessing the risks of non-target feeding by the accidentally introduced ragweed leaf beetle, Ophraella communa, to native European plant species. Biological Control,150, 104356. (Impact factor: 3.283, SCI二区)

8) Skjøth C.A., Sun Y., Karrer G., Sikoparija B., Smith M., Schaffner U. and Müller-Schärer H. 2019. Predicting abundances of invasive ragweed across Europe using a “top-down” approaches. Science of the Total Environment, 686: 212-222. (Impact factor: 7.062, SCI一区)

9) Müller-Schärer H., Bouchemousse S., Litto M., McEvoy P.B., Roderick R.K. and Sun Y. 2020. How to better predict long-term benefits and risks in weed biocontrol: an evolutionary perspective. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 38: 84-91. (Impact factor: 4.765, SCI一区)

10) Qin T.J., Zhou J., Sun Y., Müller-Schärer H., Luo F.L., Dong B.C., Li H.L. and Yu F.H. 2020. Phylogenetic diversity is a better predictor of wetland community resistance to Alternanthera philoxeroides invasion than species richness. Plant Biology, 22, 591-599. (Impact factor: 2.454, SCI二区)

11) Sun Y.* and Roderick R.K. 2019. Rapid evolution of invasive traits facilitates the invasion of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Journal of Ecology, 107: 2673-2687. (Impact factor: 6.364, SCI一区)

12) Liu Y.Y., Sun Y., Müller-Schärer H., Yan R., Zhou Z.X., Wang Y.J., Yu F.H. 2019. Do invasive alien plants response differ from non-invasives in dominance and nitrogen uptake to variation of abiotic and biotic environments under global anthropogenic change? Science of The Total Environment, 672: 634-642. (Impact factor: 7.062, SCI一区)

13) Müller-Schärer H., Sun Y., Chauvel B., Karrer G., Kazinczi G., Kudsk P., Oude Lansink A.G.J.M., Schaffner U., Skjoth C.A., Smith M., Vurro M., de Weger L. and Lommen S. 2018. Cross-fertilizing weed science and invasion science: Ambrosia artemisiifolia as an ideal bridge species. Basic and Applied Ecology, 33: 1-13. (Impact factor: 3.375, SCI二区)

14) Sun Y.*, Zhou Z.Z., Wang R. and Müller-Schärer H. 2018. Biological control opportunities of ragweed are predicted to decrease with climate change in East Asia[J]. Biodiversity Science, 25(12): 1285-1294. (Impact factor: 0.71)

15) Sun Y.*, Brönnimann O, Roderick GK, Poltavsky A, Lommen STE and Müller-Schärer H. 2017. Climatic suitability ranking of biological control candidates: a biogeographic approach for ragweed management in Europe. Ecosphere, 8(4): e01731. 10.1002/ecs2 .1731. (Impact factor: 3.472, SCI二区)

16) Sun Y.* and Junod A. 2017. Invasive plants differ from native plants in their impact on native communities. Journal of Vegetation Science, 28: 1250-1259. (Impact factor: 3.405, SCI二区)

17) Sun Y.*, Brönnimann O and Müller-Schärer H. 2017. Climatic suitability of the accidentally introduced leaf beetle Ophraella communa in Europe: a potential biological control candidate for ragweed. Notiziario della Società Botanica Italiana, 1(1): 108-110.

18) Lommen STE, Jolidon EF, Sun Y., Bustamante Eduardo JI and Müller-Schärer, H. 2017. An early suitability assessment of two exotic Ophraella species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) for biological control of invasive ragweed in Europe. European Journal of Entomology, 114: 160–169. (Impact factor: 1.280)

19) Sun Y.*, Müller-Schärer H. and Schaffner U. 2016. Ploidy level and neighbor origin drive performance and impact of an alien invasive plant species in a competitive environment. PloS One, 11(5): e0155712. (Impact factor: 3.372)

20) Sun Y.*, Müller-Schärer H., Maron J. and Schaffner U. 2015. Origin matters: diversity affects the performance of alien invasive species but not of native species. The American Naturalist, 185: 725736. (Impact factor: 4.281, SCI二区)

21) Sun Y.*, Müller-Schärer H., Maron J. and Schaffner U. 2015. Bio-geographic effects on establishment of an invasive alien plant. American Journal of Botany, 104: 1 – 5. (Impact factor: 3.024, SCI二区)

22) Sun Y.*, Müller-Schärer H. and Schaffner U. 2014. Plant neighbours rather than soil biota determine impact of an alien plant invader. Functional Ecology, 28: 1545 – 1555. (Impact factor: 5.580, SCI一区)

23) Sun Y.*, Collins A.R., Schaffner U. and Müller-Schärer H. 2013. Dissecting impact of plant invaders: do invaders behave differently in the new range? Ecology, 94(10): 2124 – 2130. (Impact factor: 5.348, SCI一区)

24) Vilà M., Espinar J.L., Hejda M., Hulme P.E., Jarošík V., Maron J.L., Pergl J., Schaffner U., Sun Y. and Pyšek P. 2011. Ecological impacts of invasive alien plants: a meta-analysis of their effects on species, communities and ecosystems. Ecology Letters, 14: 702 – 708. (Impact factor: 9.344, SCI一区)

25) Sun Y.*, Ding J.Q. and Frye M.J. 2010. Effects of resource availability on tolerance of herbivory in the invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides and the native Alternanthera sessilis. Weed Research, 50: 527-536. (Impact factor: 2.279, SCI二区)

26) Sun Y.*, Ding J.Q. and Ren M.X. 2009. Effects of simulated herbivory and resource availability on the invasive plant, Alternanthera philoxeroides in different habitats. Biological Control, 48: 287-293. (Impact factor: 3.283, SCI二区)

27) Sun Y.* Rapid evolution of a plant invader in response to biological control and global warming. The Proceeding of the XV International Symposium on Biological Control. Engelberg, Switzerland, pp. 157.

28) Augustinus B, Pak D, Sun Y., Citterio S, Gentili R, Bjornstad O, Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H. 2019. Demographic modeling of a prospective biological control agent of a weed, the case of Ophraella communa and Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe. In: H.L. Hinz et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, Engelberg, Switzerland, p. 123.

29) Müller-Schärer H., Sun Y., Litto M., Bouchemousse S., Lommen S. and Schaffner U. 2019. Predicting benefits and risks of biological control of the invasive common ragweed in Europe: from ecological to evolutionary studies. The Proceeding of the XV International Symposium on Biological Control.  Engelberg, Switzerland, pp. 151-153.



2020级Louis Groelly,瑞士弗里堡大学,在读硕士


2018级Carine Beuchat,瑞士弗里堡大学,硕士

2013级 Aline Junod,瑞士弗里堡大学,硕士


Antoine Roulin (2020,UniFr),Elia Rossini (2020, UniFr),Dalihane Bigbala (2019, UniFr),Noemi Verdicchia (2018, UniFr),Ramon Diaz Grados(2017, UniTü),Alan Christopher Sanders (2015, UniCal),Michael Anthony III Fleming (2015, UniCal),Daniel Slodowizs(2013, UniFr)


