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1. 土壤组分界面过程与环境效应

2. 土壤元素行为量化模型预测

3. 土壤重金属污染与修复

个人简介:2015年6月毕业于永利集团3044,获农学博士学位,随后继续在永利304官方入口进行博士后研究,现为永利集团3044副教授。目前以第一/通讯作者在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Geoderma等期刊发表论文10余篇,近年来一直从事土壤组分与营养/污染元素互作的机理模型量化、农田土壤重金属复合污染修复与安全利用、以及土壤健康评估等方面研究。



承担课程:1. 土壤肥料学,(本科);2. 环境界面研究法,(拼盘课)(研究生)


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,水稻土氧化还原过程中Cd的形态转化及其模型预测,53万元,2023/01-2026/12, 主持,在研

2. 永利304官方入口自主创新基金,氧化铁磷吸附的通用CD-MUSIC模型构建, 20万元,2022/01-2024/12, 主持,在研

3.  湖北省生态环境厅环保科研项目子课题,湖北省典型农用地土壤健康诊断与体系构建,20万元,2022/01-2023/12,骨干,在研

4.  国家自然科学基金青年基金,氧化还原过程中土壤腐殖酸Pb(II)吸附机制与模型构建,20万元,2017/01-2019/12, 主持,已结题

5.  国家重点研发计划项目子课题,肥料磷在不同类型土壤中的界面反应机制及模型构建,90万元,2017/07-2021/06, 主持,已结题

6.  中国博士后科学基金一等面上资助,氧化还原过程中土壤腐殖酸与铅的相互作用机理研究,8万元,2017/012018/12,主持,已结题

7. 中国科学院矿物学与成矿学重点实验室合作基金,氧化铁矿物质子吸附的通用CD-MUSIC模型构建,5万元,2020/01—2021/12,主持,已结题。


(1) Jin JZ, Liang Y, Wang MX, Fang LC, Xiong J*, Hou JT, Tan WF, Koopal L. Generic CD-MUSIC-eSGC model parameters to predict the surface reactivity of iron (hydr)oxides. Water research. 2023, 230: 119543.

(2) Chen HS#, Xiong J#, Fang LC*, Han F, Zhao XL, Fan QH, Tan WF. Sequestration of heavy metals in soil aggregates induced by glomalin-related soil protein: A five-year phytoremediation field study. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 437: 129445.(共同一作)

(3) Xiong J, Liu ZH, Yan YP, Xu JL, Liu D, Tan WF, Feng XH*. Role of clay minerals in controlling phosphorus availability in a subtropical Alfisol. Geoderma. 2022, 409: 115592.

(4) Kou M, Xiong J*, Li M, Wang MX, Tan WF. Interactive effects of Cd and Pb on the photosynthesis efficiency and antioxidant defense system of Capsicum annuum L. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2022. 108: 917–925.

(5) Xiong J, Xu JL, Zhou MG, Zhao W, Chen C, Wang MX, Tan WF*, Koopal LK. Quantitative characterization of the site density and charged state of functional groups on biochar. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9: 2600−2608.

(6) Liang Y, Yu DH, Jin JZ, Xiong J*, Hou JT, Wang MX, Tan WF. Microstructure of Al-substituted goethite and its adsorption performance for Pb(II) and As(V). Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 790: 148202.

(7) Xiong J, Zhou MG, Qu CC, Yu DH, Cheng C, Wang MX, Tan WF*. Quantitative analysis of Pb adsorption on sulfhydryl‑modified biochar. Biochar. 2021, 3: 37–49.

(8) Xiong J, Wei Y, Xu JL, Hou JT, Liu ZY, Wang MX*, Tan WF. Influence of reduction on the fluorescent units and proton binding of humic acids: Synchronous fluorescence spectrum and NICA-Donnan modeling. Colloids and Surfaces A. 2021, 626: 127000.

(9) Xiong J, Weng LP, Koopal LK, Wang MX, Shi ZH, Zheng LR, Tan WF*. Effect of soil fulvic and humic acids on Pb binding to the goethite/solution interface: Ligand charge distribution modeling and speciation distribution of Pb. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(3): 1348-1356.

(10) Xiong J, Koopal LK, Weng LP, Wang MX, Tan WF*. Effect of soil fulvic and humic acid on binding of Pb to goethite-water interface: Linear additivity and volume fractions of HS in the Stern layer. Journal Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 457: 121-130.

(11) Xiong J, Koopal LK, Tan WF*, Fang LC, Wang MX, Zhao W, Liu F, Zhang J, Weng LP. Lead binding to soil fulvic and humic acids: NICA-Donnan modeling and XAFS spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47(20): 11634-11642.

(12) Tan WF*, Xiong J, Li Y, Wang MX, Weng LP, Koopal LK. Proton binding to soil humic and fulvic acids: Experiments and NICA-Donnan modeling. Colloids and Surfaces A. 2013, 436: 1152–1158.(导师一作)

(13) 熊娟, 杨成峰, 陈鑫蕊, 汪明霞*, 谭文峰. 氧化铁/水界面Cd吸附研究:CD-MUSIC模型模拟. 农业环境科学学报, 2018, 37(7): 1362-1369.

(14) 刘召慧, 严玉鹏, 谭文峰, 熊娟*, 冯雄汉. 红壤中磷形态分布的多表面模型预测. 磷肥与复肥, 2021, 36(2): 5-7.

(15) 熊娟, 王依涵, 陈畅, 侯静涛, 许运, 汪明霞, 谭文峰*. 伴矿景天修复农田土壤镉污染的研究进展. 农业环境科学学报, 2022, 41(3):441-454.

(16)Tan WF, Fang LC, Xiong J, Yin H, Zhao W. Contribution of soil active components to the control of heavy metal speciation. In: Luo Y., Tu C. (eds). Twenty years of research and development on soil pollution and remediation in China. Springer, Singapore, 2018, 165-188.(著作)

