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姓名:陆志峰   职称:副教授

E-mail: zhifenglu@mail.hzau.edu.cn



2007.09-2011.06:永利304官方入口农业资源与环境专业  本科

2011.09-2016.12:永利304官方入口植物营养学  博士研究生

2017.01-2019.09:南京农业大学农业资源与环境博士后流动站  博士后

2019.10-2020.09:永利304官方入口农业资源与环境博士后流动站  博士后

2020.10至今:       永利集团3044  副教授


1. 本科教学


2. 研究生教学



1. 研究方向


2. 承担的主要科研项目

1国家重点研发计划子课题“华中中低产田土壤固碳与产能提升协同技术模式筛选及示范”, 2023.04-2027.04,主持



4国家重点研发计划子课题“稻-油机械化种植周年产量与品质协同提升生理机制”, 2022.11-2025.12,主持

5国际镁营养研究所合作项目“全国镁营养研究协作网试验及示范”, 2022.01-2024.12,主持


7国家重点研发计划 “科技助力经济2020”重点专项“油菜高效缓释专用肥配方优化与施用技术研究”,2020.07-2022.12,主持(已结题)



10中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金 “钾素营养优化油菜叶片光合的水-碳协调机制解析”, 2019.01-2019.12,主持(已结题)

3. 论文发表


1Xiaolei Ye, Ziyi Gao, Ke Xu, Binglin Li, Tao Ren, Xiaokun Li, Rihuan Cong, Zhifeng Lu*, Ismail Cakmak, Jianwei Lu. Photosynthetic plasticity aggravates the susceptibility of magnesium-deficient leaf to high light in rapeseed plants: the importance of Rubisco and mesophyll conductance. The Plant Journal, 2023, Doi: 10.1111/tpj.16504.

2Jinyao Yan, Xiaolei Ye, Yi Song, Tao Ren, Chongming Wang, Xiaokun Li, Ruhuan Cong, Zhifeng Lu*, Jianwei Lu. Sufficient potassium improves inorganic phosphate-limited photosynthesis in Brassica napus by enhancing metabolic P fractions and Rubisco activity. The Plant Journal, 2022. Doi: 10.1111/tpj.16057.

3Zhifeng Lu, Wenshi Hu, Xiaolei Ye, Jianwei Lu, Hehe Gu, Xiaokun Li, Rihuan Cong, Tao Ren*. Potassium regulates diel leaf growth of Brassica napus by coordinating the rhythmic carbon supply and water balance. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2022, 73: 3686-3698.

4Guotao Geng, Cakmak Ismail, Tao Ren, Zhifeng Lu*, Jianwei Lu. Effect of magnesium fertilization on seed yield, seed quality, carbon assimilation and nutrient uptake of rapeseed plants. Field Crops Research, 2021, 264: 108082.

5Zhifeng Lu, Tao Ren, Jing Li, Wenshi Hu, Jianglin Zhang, Jinyao Yan, Xiaokun Li, Rihuan Cong, Shiwei Guo, Jianwei Lu*. Nutrition-mediated cell and tissue-level anatomy triggers the covariation of leaf photosynthesis and leaf mass per area. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020. 71: 6524-6537.

6Zhifeng Lu, Kailiu Xie, Yonghui Pan, Tao Ren, Jianwei Lu, Qirong Shen, Shiwei Guo*. Potassium mediates coordination of leaf photosynthesis and hydraulic conductance by modifications of leaf anatomy. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2019, 42: 2231-2244

7Zhifeng Lu, Wenshi Hu, Tao Ren*, Chen Zhu, Xiaokun Li, Rihuan Cong, Shiwei Guo, Jianwei Lu. Impact of K deficiency on leaves and siliques photosynthesis via metabolomics in Brassica napus. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019, 158: 89-98

8Zhifeng Lu, Yonghui Pan, Wenshi Hu, Rihuan Cong, Tao Ren*, Shiwei Guo, Jianwei Lu. The photosynthetic and structural differences between leaves and siliques of Brassica napus exposed to potassium deficiency. BMC Plant Biology, 2017, 17: 240

9Zhifeng Lu, Jianwei Lu, Yonghui Pan, Piaopiao Lu, Xiaokun Li, Rihuan Cong, Tao Ren*. Anatomical variation of mesophyll conductance under potassium deficiency has a vital role in determining leaf photosynthesis. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2016, 39: 2428-2439

10Zhifeng Lu, Tao Ren, Yonghui Pan, Xiaokun Li, Rihuan Cong, Jianwei Lu*. Differences on photosynthetic limitations between leaf margins and leaf centers under potassium deficiency for Brassica napus L. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 21725; doi: 10.1038/srep21725

11Zhifeng Lu, Jianwei Lu, Yonghui Pan, Xiaokun Li, Rihuan Cong, Tao Ren*. Genotypic variation in photosynthetic limitation responses to K deficiency of Brassica napus L. is associated with potassium utilization efficiency. Functional Plant Biology, 2016, 43: 880-891

12Wenshi Hu, Zhifeng Lu, Hehe Gu, Xiaolei Ye, Xiaokun Li, Rihuan Cong, Tao Ren*, Jianwei Lu. Potassium availability influences the mesophyll structure to coordinate the conductance of CO2 and H2O during leaf expansion. Plant Cell & Environment, 2022, 45: 2987-3000.

13Wenshi Hu, Zhifeng Lu, Fanjin Meng, Xiaokun Li, Rihuan Cong, Tao Ren*, Thomas D. Sharkey, Jianwei Lu. The reduction in leaf area precedes that in photosynthesis under potassium deficiency: the importance of leaf anatomy. New Phytologist, 2020, 227: 1749-1763

14叶晓磊,耿国涛,肖国滨,吕伟生,任涛,陆志峰*,鲁剑巍. 镁肥用量对油菜籽产量及品质的影响. 作物学报,2023,49:3063-3073

15陆志峰,任涛,鲁剑巍*. 我国冬油菜种植区土壤有效镁状况与油菜施镁效果. 永利304官方入口学报,2021,40(02):17-23

16陆志峰,鲁剑巍,潘勇辉,鲁飘飘,李小坤,丛日环,任涛*. 钾素调控植物光合作用的生理机制. 植物生理学报,2016,52:1773-1784

17陆志峰,任涛,鲁剑巍*,李小坤,丛日环,潘勇辉,李凯旭. 缺钾油菜叶片光合速率下降的主导因子及其机理. 植物营养与肥料学报,2015,22122-131

18田贵生,陆志峰,任涛,鲁剑巍. 镁肥基施及后期喷施对油菜产量与品质的影响. 中国土壤与肥料,2019,5:85-90

4. 著作教材

1油菜营养特性与施肥技术. 北京:科学出版社,2020. 鲁剑巍,任涛,陆志峰(主编)

2植物营养学(第三版). 北京:中国农业大学出版社,2020. 张俊伶(参编)

3油菜结实器官与产量形成. 北京:科学出版社,2017. 官春云(参编)

5. 学术会议报告/墙报

(1)International Symposium on Plant Nutrition, Crop Production and Food Quality, Dec. 17-18, 2021, Wuhan, China. Magnesium deficiency, an urgent problem in rapeseed production in China. Oral presentation

(2)3rd International Symposium on Magnesium in Crop Production, Food Quality and Human Health, Nov 25-28, 2018, Guangzhou, China. Magnesium nutrition and associated physiological attributes in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in China: status and perspectives. Oral presentation

(3)International Symposium on Synthetic Biology in Photosynthesis Research, Aug 08-10, 2018, Shanghai, China. Concerted decreases in leaf photosynthesis and hydraulic conductance under K deficiency: prominent roles of mesophyll conductance to CO2 and outside-xylem hydraulic conductance. Poster

(4)International Workshop on Crop Photosynthetic Eco-physiology, Aug 20-26, 2017, Wuhan, China. The photosynthetic and structural differences between leaves and siliques of Brassica napus exposed to potassium deficiency. Poster

(5)Proceedings of the 2016 International symposium on improvement of nutrient use efficiency in China under zero growth of chemical fertilizers, Mar 17-18, 2016, Beijing, China. The role of potassium nutrient on mesophyll conductance in Brassica napus L.: quantitative analysis of anatomical limitations. Poster

62014年中国作物学会学术年会,2014年10月30-31日,中国南京. 缺钾胁迫对冬油菜叶片光合作用限制因子的影响,报告

6. 获奖成果

1油菜精准轻简高效养分管理关键技术创新及应用. 2020年度湖北省科技进步一等奖(排名第六)

2钾素营养对冬油菜叶片光合作用的影响机制研究. 2017年中国植物营养与肥料学会首届优秀博士学位论文奖




